04 Dec

What it takes the bee colony to make 16oz of raw honey

What it takes a honey bee colony to make 16oz of raw honey

MahakoBees Beekeeping Videos – 16oz (450g) of honey and all that is required from the honey bee colony to make it. Bees work hard to make honey. We enjoy it and this infographic shows how much work it actually takes. We need to take care of our bees and help beekeepers. Please support our bee life saving initiatives by supporting us on PATREON with a donation for each beekeeping video we produce on a regular monthly frequency. Any amount is appreciated. Click this link to see how you can help. Thank you. MahakoBees

02 Dec

DRONE eviction – Worker bee chewing drone wings OFF!

DRONE eviction – Worker bee chewing drone wings OFF!

DRONE sentenced to death by Drone Eviction. Unique bee behavior. See the worker bee chew on her brothers wings and evict him from the HIVE. Our Beekeeping 101 YouTube channel has many interesting beekeeping videos and articles. Come and check it out and help our beekeepers save our bees which are currently under great threat from pesticides, pests, viruses and colony collapse disorder! Once thee bees go, we will struggle to feed ourselves.

This video was a lucky take, as it shows a closeup of the bee hive entrance as the worker bee evicts her brother the drone from their colony. It is winter here, and the bees are still evicting their drones mercilessly. As the queen bee reduces her egg laying activities, the worker bees forcefully push the drones out of the bee hive.

The male drones don’t have a stinger and as such, are powerless against the worker bees (their loving sisters) even though they are 30 percent larger in mass. Only a few will remain in the hive as a precautionary backup plan should the queen fail to continue to lay eggs for any reason. The worker bees would kick off the supersedure process and immediately begin nursing an egg into a new queen. Several of them at a time in fact and the first one would typically kill the others before they hatch by stinging the queen cell with her stinger. Only the queen can sting repeatedly without loosing her venom sack. The queen stinger lacks the return hooks and is more like a wasp stinger. the Queen stings rarely though otherwise.

So, as this video shows, beekeeping is a very interesting hobby. Should you be considering joining the beekeeping industry, come and visit our beekeeping YouTube channel and web store for more information as to what beekeeping entails, what to expect, helpful information on how and why to get started and visit our store for useful books, tools of the trade, even the hives and all things related to beekeeping

We invite you to subscribe to our channel and appreciate all thumbs up.

Bee good

20 Nov



DIY MULCH from a BANANA tree – Save money and make you own mulch. NEW http://ift.tt/1q4NHBv VIDEO

DIY MULCH from a BANANA tree – Save money and make you own mulch. If you have a banana tree, you know that there is a lot of leaves and spent banana tree trunks you need to deal with. It is best to use a machete to cut the banana tree down (a banana tree is in fact a herb, rather than an actual tree). You will need a good quality and very sharp machete to do this as the banana trees can get quite large. If you need assistance with finding one, here is a couple of links to machetes we found to be great:

1 – http://ift.tt/1uNbl72

2 – http://ift.tt/1uNbl74

3 – http://ift.tt/1r0aL0F

After a banana tree trunk fruits, it no longer produces any fruit, so it is important to cut it down so the tree can use its energy for new shoots and subsequent fruit. As you can see in the video, we cut the banana tree down, strip the leaves, and place the trunk on grass. Then we use the machete to cut slices off the trunk. those we then cut in halves or smaller pieces. The banana tree consists of cardboard like layers, much like onion rings, but each ring is a dense cardboard like structure, making it an excellent heat and water insulator. It is also far superior to any hay or grass clippings as it lasts much longer in your garden. We place these under and around our trees and the veggie gardens to prevent water evaporation and reduce the growth penetration of weeds.

Give it a go. Its fast, easy, and free saving you money and you no longer need to go to the tip either. A win no matter how you look at it. So if you have a green thumb, have a banana tree and own a machete, give the DIY Mulch from banana trees a go.

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Have a great day!


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