25 May

Why Nature Prefers Beeswax Hexagons – Issue 35: Boundaries – Nautilus

Beeswax Hexagon shape is preferred by nature

Beeswax Hexagon shape is preferred by nature

How do bees do it? The Beeswax Honeycombs in which they store their amber nectar are marvels of precision engineering, an array of prism-shaped…

Sourced through Scoop.it from: nautil.us

We would like to share this article about hexagons and why the bees prefer it for building their beeswax honeycomb. Honey bees are amazing creatures and their ability to build a very precise beeswax foundation with such accuracy, considering the beehive is completely dark inside, is nothing short of amazing. It takes complex team work with many thousands of bees involved over different stages of their lives and roles they play within it to create the hexagonal beeswax honeycomb. The hexagonal comb structure provides a place to raise their young bees, store honey and pollen. It is critical for the success of a bee colony. Visit our Beekeeping Youtube video channel to learn more: https://www.youtube.com/mahakobees or visit our website if you are interested in becoming a beekeeper http://www.mahakobees.com/store.html.

27 Jul

SUPER productive bees in our Nuc box BEEHIVE

SUPER productive bees in our Nuc box BEEHIVE – beekeeping equipment 

NEW VIDEO – Custom Made Nuc box BEEHIVE decorated by bees themselves. http://www.mahakobees.com/store.html looks briefly at our custom made beekeeping nuc hive which our hyperactive and super productive honey bees filled to the brim with burr comb and golden honey. We also show you a close up of our handmade wooden hive entrance reducer which assists new bee colony splits in protecting their hive entrance until they grow in numbers.
super productive bees - Mahakobees

super productive bees – Mahakobees

So when would a budding beekeeper use such a small beehive, or a nucleus beehive? These hives are typically used for splitting your colonies or to relocate a small swarm of bees if you are lucky enough to find one. The hive itself can come in many forms, shapes and sizes. Standard width is 4 or 5 Langstroth style full depth frames and the hive body itself is usually made out of wood, much like a normal full size brood chamber would be with an entrance and a top cover. There are also polystyrene and cardboard versions available in various local beekeeping supplies outlets, but these are used for transportation generally. The nucs can also be user to raise queens if you have lots of beehives and want to save money on re-queening. Once you order one (or better yet, make one), it is usually flat packed like other timber beehives and needs to be assembled. It functions exactly the same way as a normal full size hive would, but the space is smaller and most importantly, the hive entrance is much smaller in width, which enables the new guard honey bees to protect the colony from being robbed, attacked or invaded by pests such as the wax moth and small hive beetles. We add an additional adjustable hive entrance reducer which further restricts the opening because the bees in their first few days after migration only have a few guard bees available for hive protection, so the reducer helps by reducing the opening further minimizing their exposure to external threat. Once the bee colony fills up all the frames and you have a healthy fertilized and laying queen, you can either migrate them to a full hive or add a second level to the nuc. You will need to make that decision depending on where you live and how strong your bee colony is as well as other factors such as the season you are in, availability of food and flowering plants, and availability of your beekeeping equipment.

super productive bees - Mahakobees

super productive bees – Mahakobees

If you are interested in splitting your hives and making your own bees or would like to try rearing your own queens, or you just like the look of these hives, come and visit our simple online #beekeeping supplies eStore at: http://www.mahakobees.com/store.html and have one shipped to your door today.

We appreciate your support and invite you to click the thumbs up, share and subscribe if you enjoy our content. Thank you for visiting.
MahakoBees beekeeping

We invite you to support our Beekeeping initiatives on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mahakobees

Beehive, beekeeping equipment, bee hive, nuc beehive, hive splits, making more bees, bee space, honey, raw honey, beekeeping, bee, bees, honey bees, keeping bees, nuc hive, nucleous hive, small hive, apis mellifera, bee colony, bee swarm, housing a swarm, catching a swarm, how to split a hive, prevent swarming, beeswax, honeycomb, liquid gold, starting a beehive, hive entrance reducer, new bee colony, keeping bees in a backyard, how to get more bees, homesteading, Langstroth hive, nuc box

14 Jul


(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh_zYrlLHUc) Beekeeping honey frames are essential beekeeping equipment for any beekeeper. Backyard beekeepers or young bee keeping beginners need to learn how assemble frames and how to embed beeswax foundation sheets into a wired honey frame. This video covers that in detail. All parts can be sourced from our online beekeeping supplies store at http://ift.tt/1yAK5Iy at great prices, especially if you order bulk beekeeping frames, wax sheets, or hive components. Visit our store and get started in your beekeeping hobby.This video is the last part of our beekeeping equipment series that looks at honey frames specifically. Watching all the below beekeeping frame assembly videos will teach you all you need to know. PART 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRWxK2zc4qQ
PART 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=–xHCd9k4kk
PART 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fltI7Zcg3bQ
PART 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLDLg0P-9hUIf you are a new beekeeper that has one or two beehives, you may be interested to learn how to save your already wired frames after extraction. This video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LJeMEf2lN0 shows a very simple method of removing beeswax foundation honeycomb structure after it has been extracted. It is wise to replace beeswax foundation every year or two to reduce the likelihood of diseases in the bee colony. The wax does not go to waste as you can melt it down and reuse for new foundation sheets or for many other craft projects such as candle making, cosmetics and so on.We hope these videos are of use to those considering joining the beekeeping community and possibly getting a beehive of their own, or those that may have a few hives already and are simply seeking new ways of doing things. We appreciate your support, so do give us thumbs up if you feel we deserve it, subscribe and share the links.Visit us on http://ift.tt/1opiWHi for lots of new content.
Have a great day
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13 Jul


This is our new jar for 500g honey jar with raw honeycomb chunk.
Freshly extracted, untreated, unheated, unfiltered and completely raw honey. The best RAW food available. Visit our BEEKEEPING VIDEO channel to learn more about bees, honey, and the health benefits of honey, pollen, beeswax and propolis.
Visit our Beekeeping Supplies Online Store if you wish to get started in beekeeping as a hobby. We have some fantastic all inclusive kits available.

Thanks for your support
• VISIT OUR BEEKEEPING SUPPLIES eSTORE:          http://ift.tt/1yAK5Iy

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08 Jul


New Post has been published on http://ift.tt/1TkIy3O

Our PURE BEESWAX – premium quality triple filtered bees wax on ETSY

pure beeswax

200 gram PURE beeswax blocks

PURE BEESWAX – A LIMITED batch of MahakoBees RAW triple filtered and purified BEESWAX is available at a great price worldwide in our store:

100 gram PURE beeswax blocks

100 gram PURE beeswax blocks

This is not your typical bulk manufactured beeswax. Our beeswax is triple filtered through a super fine mash for superior clarity, which will not splatter in candles and will provide you with a superior aromatic burn. They smell amazing! It is also food grade and smells of raw #organic #honey and pure beeswax so it is ideal for many craft projects. It comes in a range of colors, from the superior quality white bees wax, made from separated pure beeswax cappings ideal for cosmetics and lip balms, to the darker grades that deliver stronger beeswax aromas which are perfect for candles and wax art works. Each block is an easy size to manipulate and melt for the hobbyist. Our bees wax is NOT bleached. 

2x 50 gram PURE beeswax blocks

2x 50 gram PURE beeswax blocks

Our pure #beeswax is perfect for small home craft projects, and this bulk pack provides sufficient quantity for making #candles , cosmetics, furniture polish, crafts, or weatherproofing leather products, lip balms, egg decorating, #wax painting, and so on. Our Beeswax Ingots are #handmade ,hand poured and triple filtered in Queensland from #beehives in our small boutique apiary. 

8x 50 gram natural pure beeswax blocks

8x 50 gram natural pure beeswax blocks

Take a look and support our beekeeping channel by placing an order which we can dispatch immediately. We can deliver worldwide, but if your location is not listed, please drop us a line and we will send you the shipping details. 

4x 100 gram natural pure beeswax premium quality blocks

4x 100 gram natural pure beeswax premium quality blocks

We thank you for your support in advance!

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1HNej1H