19 May

25 Mar

Beekeeping is a fun hobby. You get to learn about the bees, food cycle, Pollen, Honey, beeswax and all things related to beekeeping industry such as the different beehives, beekeepers tools and different methods for keeping bees, maintaining bees and managing various parasites and bee related illnesses. If you are successful though, you get to share in the spoils of the honey bee.  Once the beehive and the bee colony living within it grows to strong and healthy size, they will start to to produce more honey than they can consume. In late spring to early autumn usually. At these times, you get to harvest a few frames per hive and extract the liquid gold that has been gathered by the bees and capped over with a thin layer of perfectly white beeswax capping.

Once you rob a beehive of its fresh honey frames full of raw honeycomb, you need to extract the honey. There are many tools and methods you can choose to achieve this. If you are only a small backyard beekeeper, you will most likely not have at your disposal a honey extractor or a spinner, and nor would you need one either. You can use a simple crush and strain method which is simple to do and very cheap to make the equipment for. Although this is a more labor intensive method, and will also completely destroy the honeycomb foundation, you can easily extract 20-50 honey frames in this fashion and also recover enough beeswax a few raw beeswax candles as well. In our video, we give you a few tips on how to extract honey using the crush and strain method. We also take a close up look at the fresh raw honey we extracted and reveal some of the health benefits of honey, propolis, and beeswax. Enjoy the video, thumbs up and share. To support our channel, we invite you to subscribe. Every vote counts, and we would be happy to have you along for our beekeeping journey.
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