25 May

Why Nature Prefers Beeswax Hexagons – Issue 35: Boundaries – Nautilus

Beeswax Hexagon shape is preferred by nature

Beeswax Hexagon shape is preferred by nature

How do bees do it? The Beeswax Honeycombs in which they store their amber nectar are marvels of precision engineering, an array of prism-shaped…

Sourced through Scoop.it from: nautil.us

We would like to share this article about hexagons and why the bees prefer it for building their beeswax honeycomb. Honey bees are amazing creatures and their ability to build a very precise beeswax foundation with such accuracy, considering the beehive is completely dark inside, is nothing short of amazing. It takes complex team work with many thousands of bees involved over different stages of their lives and roles they play within it to create the hexagonal beeswax honeycomb. The hexagonal comb structure provides a place to raise their young bees, store honey and pollen. It is critical for the success of a bee colony. Visit our Beekeeping Youtube video channel to learn more: https://www.youtube.com/mahakobees or visit our website if you are interested in becoming a beekeeper http://www.mahakobees.com/store.html.

17 May

DRONE EVICTION – male bee sentenced to death by Worker Bee

Click to WATCH DRONE  EVICTION VIDEO: https://youtu.be/PWSBfbAixo0


DRONE EVICTION – a male bee sentenced to death by #Drone Eviction performed by his own sister, the worker bee. Unique bee behavior. See the worker bee chew on her brothers wings and evict him from the HIVE. http://www.mahakobees.com. Our blog http://www.mahakobees.com/blog has many interesting #beekeeping videos and articles. Come and check it out and help our #beekeepers save our #bees which are currently under great threat from pesticides, pests, viruses and colony collapse disorder! Once thee bees go, we will struggle to feed ourselves.

This video was a lucky take of a Drone Eviction, as it shows a closeup of the bee hive entrance as the worker bee evicts her brother the drone from their colony. It is winter here, and the bees are still evicting their drones mercilessly. As the queen bee reduces her egg laying activities, the worker bees forcefully push the drones out of the bee hive.

The male drones don’t have a stinger and as such, are powerless against the worker bees (their loving sisters) even though they are 30 percent larger in mass. After the drone eviction period, only a few will remain in the hive as a precautionary backup plan should the queen fail to continue to lay eggs for any reason. The worker bees would kick off the supercedure process and immediately begin nursing an egg into a new queen. Several of them at a time in fact and the first one would typically kill the others before they hatch by stinging the queen cell with her stinger. Only the queen can sting repeatedly without loosing her venom sack. The queen stinger lacks the return hooks and is more like a wasp stinger. the Queen stings rarely though otherwise.

So, as this video shows, beekeeping is a very interesting hobby. Should you be considering joining the beekeeping industry, come and visit our blog for more information as to what beekeeping entails, what to expect, helpful information on how and why to get started and visit our store for useful books, tools of the trade, even the hives and all things related to beekeeping – http://www.mahakobees.com/store.html.

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Bee good

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26 Feb

beekeeping with MAHAKOBEES

This is a new HIVE from FLOWhive ™. Very interesting design. It extracts honey without going having to use the traditional honey extraction methods. This one could be a game changer,… so long as it works and keeps working with propolization. What are your thoughts? Come and visit our beekeeping blog and let us know.